I’m a Scientific Software Developer at OpenEye Scientific Software – Cadence Molecular Sciences in Santa Fe, NM and a former post-doctoral research fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory. I have a Ph.D. in Pharmcological Sciences from UC Irvine.
I’m currently writing software for modeling cryo-electron microscopy to enable faster, more informative, less expensive pharmaceutical drug discovery.
I’ve mostly studied macromolecular X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, protein structure and disorder, and X-ray diffuse scattering using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics simulations of proteins.
I love proteins, a lot.
For a three-part introduction to the mathematical theory of X-ray crystallography (written for an upper-level undergraduate audience), click over to the Blog.
My CV is also up there (I try to keep it updated when I get the time, apologies if it’s not).
I also have a very handsome dog.